The UpFlip Podcast

146. Making $1M with One Amazon Product — Side Hustle Idea


Lou Rice stumbled upon her business idea by accident when an Amazon Kindle was accidentally dropped on her baby’s head in the middle of the night. This one slip led Lou to develop the business idea, Strapsicle, a hand strap that prevents any chance of dropping a Kindle no matter where you are. What may seem like a simple concept has now generated over $1M in revenue in just one year. She sits down with Ryan to share her tips and tricks to running a side hustle on Amazon. 

Lou discusses the importance of building an excellent brand presence across social media, developing a loyal community of Strapsicle lovers, and creating a strong two-way street of communication with customers. She also strongly believes in acting on customer feedback in order to turn any negatives into positives for the business.    


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